Fath, Garbowicz answer enhanced wake ordinance questions

Enforcement a concern for St. Germain enhanced wake ordinance committee

St. Germain’s enhanced-wake committee conducted a question-and-answer session with Vilas County Sheriff Joe Fath during its Feb. 5 meeting. The group also discussed legal advice from town attorney Steve Garbowicz on the matter of regulating the use of enhanced-wake boats on town lakes.

St. Germain has shortage of town supervisor, clerk and treasurer candidates

Deadline for filing as a write-in is March 28

There’s a shortage of candidates for the St. Germain town board in this April’s election, and it was a topic of discussion at a meeting of the town board on Jan. 23. The town is facing a major turnover in leadership this spring as town chairman Tom Christensen, supervisors Jim Swenson and Kalisa Mortag, town clerk June Vogel and treasurer Jeanna Vogel have all decided not to seek re-election.

Eagle River common council pushes for public land sale

Burkett: ‘Absolutely zero conflict here’

The Eagle River common council voted last week to support the sale of Vilas County-owned Riverside Park for residential development and also discussed the potential sale of a city-owned parcel of land for the same purpose.

Eagle River planning commission backs sale of Riverside Park

The Eagle River planning commission voted last week to endorse the sale of Riverside Park by Vilas County for residential development. The 4-1 vote followed a hearing at the Jan. 9 meeting during which no input was offered from the general public.

St. Germain enhanced-wake committee has its initial meeting

Niggemeier: ‘Compromises are going to be made on both sides’

St. Germain’s enhanced-wake committee met for the first time last week. The ad-hoc body is tasked by the town board with the single goal of preparing and presenting a draft ordinance for the town board’s consideration regarding the regulation of enhanced-wake boats on town lakes.

Eagle River city council puts city attorney in the middle of golf course dispute

McPartlin: ‘I’m not getting anywhere with this’

The Eagle River Common Council has taken action to refer calls and/or correspondence from residents on Aquila Court regarding their concerns about maintenance of the city’s golf course to city attorney Steve Garbowicz.

Eagle River approves budget for 2025

The City of Eagle River common council during a meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 10, approved its budget for fiscal year 2025. “So just in a nutshell, our full budget is 2.98-ish million dollars,” city administrator Robin Ginner said to the council.

Five St. Germain officeholders opt out of reelection bids

The town of St. Germain will undergo a significant turnover in leadership following the April elections of 2025, as a majority (five of seven) of the town’s elected officeholders will not be running for additional terms.

St. Germain re-routes downtown snowmobile trail spur

During a meeting of the St. Germain town board on Thursday, Nov. 22, supervisors voted unanimously to re-route a spur of the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club’s trail in the downtown area.

St. Germain schedules public hearing for chapter one zoning amendments

The town board of St. Germain has set a time and date for a public hearing regarding proposed amendments to the town’s chapter one zoning ordinance. The hearing will take place at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 17 in room four of the St. Germain Community Center, which is to be followed by a regularly-scheduled town board meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Eagle River mulls changes to room-tax intake

The Eagle River Common Council reached a consensus during its Nov. 12 meeting to initiate conversations with the neighboring towns of Lincoln and Washington regarding raising the room-tax rate.

St. Germain town board votes to raise room tax

The town of St. Germain will see an increase in its room tax as of Jan. 1, 2026. Following months of public discussion and a public hearing, the town board voted during a Nov. 11 meeting to nearly double the town’s room-tax rate from 4.5 percent to 8 percent.

St. Germain votes narrowly to break ground on disc-golf course

During a meeting of the St. Germain town board on Thursday, Oct. 24, supervisors voted — by a margin of three-to-two — for work to proceed in turning a town-owned parcel of land into a public disc-golf course.

City of Eagle River room tax share causes controversy

Burkett: ‘There’s going to be a war’

During the Oct. 28 meeting of the Eagle River common council, the group spent hours tweaking the city’s budget. When the allocation of room-tax revenues was discussed, council member Jerry Burkett expressed his extreme dissatisfaction with the situation and went so far as to declare a state of “war” between the city and the Eagle River Area Chamber of Commerce.

St. Germain hears public input on proposed room-tax increase

The St. Germain town board held a public hearing on Monday, Oct. 28, to take feedback regarding a proposed increase in the town’s room-tax rate.

St. Germain town board to receive, review draft wakeboat ordinance

During a meeting of the St. Germain town board on Thursday, Oct. 24, those in attendance received an update on the status of a proposed ordinance to control enhanced boat-wakes on town lakes.

Eagle River city council holds heated discussion over future of vacant downtown land

Burkett: ‘Take care of the fairgrounds, or we’ll find somebody else who will’

The city of Eagle River Common Council, during a meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 16, discussed the potential sale of a piece of land within the city limits which is owned by Vilas County. At times, the conversation became heated.

St. Germain plans for return, celebration of Chief statue in spring

During a St. Germain town board meeting on Thursday, Sept. 26, town board chairman Tom Christensen announced the restoration of a local landmark has been completed and he discussed the return of the monument with his fellow supervisors.

St. Germain proposes room tax increase

Public input sought at hearing

The town board of St. Germain voted unanimously during its meeting on Thursday, Sept. 26 to advance a proposed plan to raise its room tax. To that end, the board will host a public hearing later this month.

St. Germain covers all bases for upcoming electors meeting

The town board of St. Germain spent several hours during its meeting on Thursday, Sept. 19 setting the stage for an electors’ vote next month which will determine the amount and structure of the town’s property-tax levy for 2025.

St. Germain’s logging ordinance: two steps forward, one back

The town board of St. Germain voted during a meeting on Monday, Sept. 9 to reject proposed changes to the town’s logging ordinance and send the document back to the zoning committee for further review.

St. Germain enters contract with Oneida Ambulance

The town board of St. Germain voted unanimously during its meeting on Monday, Sept. 9 to enter into a contract with the Oneida County Ambulance Service for additional emergency medical coverage for the town.

St. Germain reschedules, combines two electors meetings

Now set for October; tax levy, debt service at issue

The St. Germain town board voted during its meeting on Monday, Sept. 9 to cancel two upcoming electors meetings and combine them into one. The new meeting will be held on Monday, Oct. 14 at 7 p.m. in the St. Germain Community Center.

St. Germain to hold two electors meetings in September

At issue: new structure for Fern Ridge Recreation Area, town’s debt-service levy

The town board of St. Germain decided during its meeting on Monday, Aug. 12, to hold two electors meetings in the month of September. Per state statute, the gatherings will be called “special town meetings”, but each one will put forth a vote on matters which can only be decided by consent or denial from the town’s resident taxpayers.

St. Germain fire department well not yet up-to-speed: more time and money required

The town board of St. Germain learned during a meeting on Thursday, Aug. 1 its long-beleaguered project of replacing the town’s high-capacity fire department well has hit another snag.

Return, unveiling of Chief St. Germain statue delayed

Christensen: ‘Still kind of an open-ended thing’

The statue of Chief St. Germain, a decades-old landmark on a corner of State Highways 70 and 155 in St. Germain — will take longer and be more expensive than originally thought.

Vilas Circuit Court upholds Baltus clear-cutting citation issued by St. Germain

Vilas County Circuit Court Judge Daniel Overbey ruled on Thursday, July 11 a citation for clear-cutting of trees issued by the town of St. Germain shall be enforced and its forfeiture paid by the Baltus Family Trust within 30 days.

St. Germain to spend ARPA money on overlooked small projects

The St. Germain town board voted during a meeting on Monday, July 8 to divert from its original plan to demolish and rebuild one of the two pavilions in the town’s community park area. Instead of investing in new infrastructure, supervisors decided to catch up on numerous smaller projects, one of which the fire chief described as “Long overdue.”

St. Germain changes date for public hearing

Multiple zoning topics at issue

The St. Germain town board during its regular meeting on Monday, July 8, rescheduled a public hearing which was originally slated for Aug. 12. The hearing will instead take place on Thursday, Aug. 22, at 6 p.m. in the town’s community center.

St. Germain board approves disc golf course — with conditions

After mulling the idea for several weeks, the St. Germain town board voted during its meeting on Thursday, June 27 to allow the use of a parcel of town-owned property for the development of a disc golf course — as long as certain conditions are met.

St. Germain to hold public hearing in August

Regarding multiple zoning topics

St. Germain town supervisor (and town zoning committee chairman) Brian Cooper spoke with The Lakeland Times on Sunday, June 30, to discuss several topics which will be the subjects of a public hearing next month.

Christensen offers partial solution to St. Germain road-funding dilemma

Over the course of the last few months, the St. Germain town board has spent hours in public discussions regarding the condition of the town’s roads.

St. Germain town board hears pitch for disc golf course

Debates whether to sell property in question

The St. Germain town board heard a request during its regular meeting on June 10 to lend a portion of town-owned land for use as a public disc-golf course. During the discussion, town chairman Tom Christensen said the land in question may possibly be put up for sale, so the board held a special meeting on Monday, June 17 to clarify the issue.

St. Germain seeks elector approval to demolish downtown pavilion

Vote to be cast on Tuesday, July 9

The town board of St. Germain voted during its meeting on Monday, June 10 to ask permission from electors to demolish the downtown pavilion. That electors meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 9 at 7 p.m. in the St. Germain Community Center. Beyond demolition, plans for the space the pavilion now occupies are largely to be determined.

Vilas Traffic Safety Commission hears pitch for River Trail

During its meeting on Thursday, May 30, the Vilas County Board’s Traffic Safety Commission heard a request to lend its blessing — from a safety standpoint — to the proposed River Trail.

St. Germain zoning appointment sparks controversy

The town board of St. Germain voted on Tuesday, May 21 to appoint Kory Droes to the town’s zoning committee, despite the method of his appointment being questioned for its legitimacy.

St. Germain lakes committee considers wake-boat ordinance

During a meeting of the St. Germain lakes committee on Thursday, May 16, committee member Bob Schell presented a draft ordinance to the body for its consideration.

St. Germain board takes public input on proposed logging ordinance

Audience members energized, equally divided

The town board of St. Germain held a public hearing on Tuesday, May 7 to take input on the subject of proposed zoning amendments pertaining to logging within the town.

Outdated ad sparks questions about zoning, dog-ordinance violations in St. Germain

An outdated internet advertisement triggered a discussion in St. Germain last week as to whether or not a family of dog-breeders violated an agreement it reached with the town in January, 2022.

St. Germain to spend remaining ARPA funds on pavilion replacement

Will seek elector approval for project in near future

During its April 8 meeting the St. Germain town board voted 3-1 with one abstention to spend a windfall of leftover funds from the pandemic-era American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) on replacement of one of the town’s pavilions.

St. Germain: 74 town roads need total replacement

Board plans to ask electors for levy increase imminently

Over the course of the last few months, the town board of St. Germain has spent hours in public discussions regarding the condition of the town’s roads. Supervisors have come to a consensus the scope of the problems is so significant they must ask permission from the town’s electors to raise the tax levy.

St. Germain seeks public input on logging ordinance

Hearing scheduled for May 7

The St. Germain Town Board has named Tuesday, May 7, as the date for a public hearing and discussion regarding newly drafted amendments to the town’s zoning ordinance, specifically pertaining to logging.

St. Germain to spend remaining ARPA funds on pavilion replacement

Will seek elector approval for project in near future

The St. Germain town board during an April 8 meeting voted three-to-one with one abstention to spend a windfall of leftover funds from the pandemic-era American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) on replacement of one of the town’s pavilions.

Vilas Circuit Court enforces St. Germain citation for clear-cutting

Default judgment as Baltus Family is no-show in court

Vilas County Circuit Court Judge Daniel Overbey ruled on Wednesday, March 27 a citation for clear-cutting of trees issued by the town of St. Germain shall be enforced and its forfeiture paid by the Baltus Family Trust within 30 days. The ruling was made by default, as no one appeared in court to speak on behalf of the defendant(s).

Tease photo

Whispers of the Past: A History of the Chippewa Flowage by John Dettloff

A deep-dive into a fast-disappearing history

Northern Wisconsin has its own Atlantis; a place of legendary natural beauty with an astounding wealth of valuable resources. It was an isolated place where only the most intrepid outsiders would come, making their hundreds-mile journeys by boat, then dozens more by foot.

Baltus family to challenge clear-cutting citation from St. Germain

During the March 12 meeting of the St. Germain Town Board, town chairman Tom Christensen announced that a citation the town sent to a local landowner for clear-cutting of trees in violation of its zoning ordinance will be challenged in Vilas County Circuit Court on March 27.

Tease photo

St. Germain to fund statue restoration

Donations welcome

The St. Germain town board voted — though not unanimously — during a meeting on March 12 to fund the restoration of a local landmark, the statue of Chief St. Germain.

St. Germain pulls the plug on proposed lighting ordinance

The St. Germain town board voted unanimously on March 12 to indefinitely table all discussion of a proposed outdoor-lighting ordinance, following an extended period of public input on the subject.

Despite obstacles, River Trail Commission hopes to ‘Get pavement as soon as we can’

Members of the River Trail Commission (RTC) during a Feb. 29 meeting resolved to begin laying pavement for the group’s namesake project as soon as possible, perhaps as early as in 2025.

St. Germain to spend ARPA surplus on building repairs

The St. Germain town board, during a Feb. 22 meeting, voted unanimously to spend the town’s windfall of leftover funds from the pandemic-era American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) on repairs to municipal buildings.
