Fred Williston

Recent Stories

Vilas Circuit Court upholds Baltus clear-cutting citation issued by St. Germain

Vilas County Circuit Court Judge Daniel Overbey ruled on Thursday, July 11 a citation for clear-cutting of trees issued by the town of St. Germain shall be enforced and its forfeiture paid by the Baltus Family Trust within 30 days.

St. Germain to spend ARPA money on overlooked small projects

The St. Germain town board voted during a meeting on Monday, July 8 to divert from its original plan to demolish and rebuild one of the two pavilions in the town’s community park area. Instead of investing in new infrastructure, supervisors decided to catch up on numerous smaller projects, one of which the fire chief described as “Long overdue.”

St. Germain changes date for public hearing

The St. Germain town board during its regular meeting on Monday, July 8, rescheduled a public hearing which was originally slated for Aug. 12. The hearing will instead take place on Thursday, Aug. 22, at 6 p.m. in the town’s community center.

St. Germain board approves disc golf course — with conditions

After mulling the idea for several weeks, the St. Germain town board voted during its meeting on Thursday, June 27 to allow the use of a parcel of town-owned property for the development of a disc golf course — as long as certain conditions are met.

St. Germain to hold public hearing in August

St. Germain town supervisor (and town zoning committee chairman) Brian Cooper spoke with The Lakeland Times on Sunday, June 30, to discuss several topics which will be the subjects of a public hearing next month.

Christensen offers partial solution to St. Germain road-funding dilemma

Over the course of the last few months, the St. Germain town board has spent hours in public discussions regarding the condition of the town’s roads.

St. Germain town board hears pitch for disc golf course

The St. Germain town board heard a request during its regular meeting on June 10 to lend a portion of town-owned land for use as a public disc-golf course. During the discussion, town chairman Tom Christensen said the land in question may possibly be put up for sale, so the board held a special meeting on Monday, June 17 to clarify the issue.

St. Germain seeks elector approval to demolish downtown pavilion

The town board of St. Germain voted during its meeting on Monday, June 10 to ask permission from electors to demolish the downtown pavilion. That electors meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 9 at 7 p.m. in the St. Germain Community Center. Beyond demolition, plans for the space the pavilion now occupies are largely to be determined.

Vilas Traffic Safety Commission hears pitch for River Trail

During its meeting on Thursday, May 30, the Vilas County Board’s Traffic Safety Commission heard a request to lend its blessing — from a safety standpoint — to the proposed River Trail.

St. Germain zoning appointment sparks controversy

The town board of St. Germain voted on Tuesday, May 21 to appoint Kory Droes to the town’s zoning committee, despite the method of his appointment being questioned for its legitimacy.

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