St. Germain fire department well still inoperative, a year later

Federal government the cause of delays

During a town board meeting on Monday, Sept. 11, officials in St. Germain learned they must once again “hurry up and wait” to replace the long-defunct high-capacity well at the town’s fire department.

St. Germain board discusses financing options for new fire truck

The Town of St. Germain will soon receive a brand-new, custom-built fire truck, and the town board must now finalize plans on how to pay for it. Supervisors spent much of their meeting on Thursday, Aug. 24 discussing financing options.

Northland Pines Elementary School in St. Germain seeks cash for fireworks damage to roof

During a town board meeting on Monday, Aug. 14, supervisors in St. Germain voted unanimously to reject a request from Northland Pines Elementary School - St. Germain for cash compensation. School officials claim the town’s July 4 fireworks display damaged the building’s roof.

St. Germain board likely to ask electors for tax increase

During a town board meeting on July 27, supervisors in St. Germain discussed the agenda for the town’s electors’ meeting this November. In all likelihood, the board will ask resident voters for their permission to raise the property-tax levy once again.
