Oneida County zoning hammers Minocqua businesses

Even as the Oneida County zoning committee has given downtown Minocqua business owner Kirk Bangstad more time to fashion an acceptable conditional use permit application for an outdoor beer garden despite more than a year of infractions of his now-revoked permit, the county zoning department has lowered the boom on …

Lac du Flambeau road issue at an apparent standstill

As an apparent result of the ongoing issue in Lac du Flambeau regarding the expiration of easements over a decade ago on tribal land tied into four town roads, the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians on Aug. 22 approved via referendum a tribal road access permitting …

OVTC approves van purchase

As part of the overall plan to get vehicles replaced on a regular basis and a move away from buses, the Oneida Vilas Transit Commission (OVTC), which oversees Northwoods Transit Connections (NTC), at its Aug. 31 meeting approved the purchase of three Ford Transit vans.

Newbold town chairman shares community center project update

Newbold town chairman Dan Hess gave board members an update Aug. 31 on the town’s new community center and said it should be completed in about two months.

Sheriff’s department, DA find Oneida zoning violated parliamentary procedure

The Oneida County Sheriff’s Office and the Oneida County district attorney both say the Oneida County zoning committee violated the county’s mandated parliamentary procedures when it adjourned a public hearing in the middle of the vote, but neither entity has taken any action against the officials after the findings.
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Minocqua plan commission approves CUP application for a monthly outdoor market with a food truck

A conditional use permit (CUP) application that includes a provision for a food truck at a Minocqua business was approved Tuesday by the Minocqua plan commission.

LUHS board works on 2023-24 goals, continues to build relationship with administration

Following a discussion about “fiscal responsibility,” Lakeland Union High School’s (LUHS) board of education talked about setting goals for the 2023-24 school year during its regular monthly meeting Monday night.

St. Germain board discusses financing options for new fire truck

The Town of St. Germain will soon receive a brand-new, custom-built fire truck, and the town board must now finalize plans on how to pay for it. Supervisors spent much of their meeting on Thursday, Aug. 24 discussing financing options.

Bangstad sues town of Minocqua

Kirk Bangstad and the Minocqua Brewing Company have filed a federal civil rights complaint against the town of Minocqua, alleging violation of Bangstad’s free speech, due process, and equal protection rights, and also alleging municipal liability for unconstitutional customs and policies.

Oneida County committees agree to withdraw from tri-county human services agreement

The Oneida County board’s social services and public safety committees, meeting jointly on Aug. 24, agreed to forward a resolution to the full county in order to withdraw from a current tri-county human services agreement.
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MHLT school board hopes to attract substitute custodian

The Minocqua Hazelhurst Lake Tomahawk J1 School (MHLT) district’s school board agreed to raise the pay for one of it’s substitute custodian positions at a meeting Aug. 23.

Northland Pines Elementary School in St. Germain seeks cash for fireworks damage to roof

During a town board meeting on Monday, Aug. 14, supervisors in St. Germain voted unanimously to reject a request from Northland Pines Elementary School - St. Germain for cash compensation. School officials claim the town’s July 4 fireworks display damaged the building’s roof.

Names released in fatal Lac du Flambeau stabbing incident

The names of the two men involved in a fatal stabbing during the early morning hours of Aug. 19 at a residence in Lac du Flambeau were released Monday.

Oneida zoning will hire outside counsel on DNR challenge

On a 16-2 vote at its most recent meeting, the Oneida County Board of Supervisors has approved spending up to $10,000 for the county’s zoning committee to hire outside counsel for advice on the DNR’s challenge to its proposed shoreland ordinance changes.

Public hearing to be held in Park Falls regarding deer populations in the North

There has been a recent push to return deer management units in the north back to the numbered units used in the past.
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