Mikey Rottier

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The Northwoods Deadliest Stretch

Calling it perhaps the deadliest stretch of highway in the state of Wisconsin, Oneida County sheriff’s captain Tyler Young said recently the state needs to seriously address crash issues with U.S. Highway 51 south of Minocqua from County Highway D to State Highway 8, a reach of highway that continues to pile up serious wrecks and fatalities.

Field to fork

Whether shopping at the grocery store or eating at restaurants, many have likely felt the pain of rising food costs of most products since 2020.

Minocqua saves as much as $650K by refurbishing fire truck instead of buying new

Per a decision made during a Jan. 19, 2023 Minocqua town board meeting, a Minocqua fire truck was refurbished rather than a new one purchased. The decision saved the town an estimated $650,000 worth of tax-payer money.

LUHS bowler takes on Nationals in Detroit

Lakeland Union High School (LUHS) student Talan Pockat represented the Lakeland area and the state at the 2024 Junior Gold National Youth Bowling Championships in Detroit.

Serenading the Northwoods for 47 years

Ron Harrison is a self-taught music artist and performer in the Northwoods. He totes a variety of instruments and genres from country to classic rock, island music and dance.

Gold medalist pickleballer visits new complex in Manitowish Waters

Upon the completion of the brand new pickleball complex in Manitowish Waters, gold-medalist pro Dave Weinbach attended the grand opening of the courts on Saturday, Aug. 3, and offered clinics to those in attendance.

MKLPA tackles Eurasian Water Milfoil concerns

During the Minocqua-Kawaguesaga Lakes Protection Association (MKLPA) meeting Saturday, Aug. 3, measures taken to prevent the spread of Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) in the lakes were reviewed and presented by members of Aquatic Plant Management LLC (APM) as well as aquatic ecologist Eddie Heath.

Olson’s latest hockey book features ties to the Northwoods

Part-time Minocqua resident and author Jeff Olson will promote his latest book, “Wisconsin’s Top 10 NHL Greats. The Hockey Torch is Passed,” at Sallet’s Northwoods Outfitters in Minocqua on Sept. 6 with a book signing.

One dead in Highway 70 motorcycle crash

A collision between two motorcycles at 3:50 p.m. on State Highway 70 West left one dead and another seriously injured, Wednesday, July 31, in Minocqua.

Signs of the times

Before his passing 10 years ago, Don Laibly left his mark on the Lakeland area in the form of signs. Something that has allowed his son to remain close with him.

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