Lake States Forest Management Bat Habitat Conservation Plan released

Recently the Departments of Natural Resources from Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin collectively developed a Lake States Forest Management Bat Habitat Conservation Plan (Lake States HCP).

Wisconsin Wildlife Federation to head coalition to address fish and wildlife fund deficit

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently announced it expected a $16 million deficit in its fish and wildlife account by 2026.

Land use affects stream and river health

What it means to fish and other organisms

Every angler understands the need to keep streams and rivers healthy. A recent presentation from The Citizen Lake Monitoring Network, in combination with Water Action Volunteers, looked at the factors that affect stream and river health.

Northwoods moose no longer on the loose

Moose’s bones found on land where he often roamed

For the last three years, a moose has been wandering through the Northwoods. On June 25, 2020, Keith Warning said he saw the moose’s tracks for the first time on his property near the western side of Minocqua. The last time he saw the moose, he said, was Oct. 28 of 2022.

Changes in climate affect biocontrol efforts

Challenges posed for resource managers

Recently Carrie Brown-Lima spoke at a Northeast Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change (RISCC) Management Network presentation regarding changes in climate and how those changes may affect biocontrol agents and their hosts.

Fish Like a GIRL

No easy answers in shortfall of fish and wildlife account

This week I wrote about the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation heading a coalition looking to address the deficit in the Department of Natural Resources fish and wildlife account.

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Ice conditions continue to be variable

Conditions can deteriorate quickly at this time of year

Although there was some snow and temperatures did drop a bit in the Northwoods in recent days, the return of warmer weather has likely negated any benefits that weather had on ice conditions on area lakes.

Lumberjack RC&D funds six projects for 2024

Last week Lumberjack Resources Conservation and Development (RC&D) Council met last week for their regular quarterly meeting. At the February meeting, which was postponed from January, the council considered six projects from around the northern portion of the state for funding.

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Timing of prescribed burns yields varying results

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) just announced their prescribed burns for this year in a recent press release. Late winter and early spring are traditionally when prescribed burns take place.

Hunter Nation holds information sessions on wolf management and the state’s current wolf management plan

Hunter Nation recently held two open house listening sessions regarding wolves and wolf management. One of those was earlier this month in Antigo.

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Fish Like a GIRL

Going through the tackle bag from last year

Whether it is a tackle bag, a tackle box or a whole boat, this is the time of year we, as anglers, go through everything we carried around all year last year.

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Oneida County land and water conservation committee consider PFAS, enhanced wake resolution

The Oneida County land and water conservation committee looked at two of the biggest hot button issues in the state Monday at their regular monthly meeting: PFAS and enhanced wakes. Several members of the public spoke regarding their feelings of the county’s enhanced wake resolution and the changes that had been made to that resolution.

Chew on This!

I feel like everyone has their favorite kielbasa recipe. Sometimes just throwing chunks in a pan with some potatoes is fine. Kielbasa is super versatile, and one of my favorite soups is pea soup, so putting those two things together seemed like a natural to me. It makes for an interesting flavor change up from the typical ham based soup. So I thought I would provide both of those recipes here today.

Using dogs to help detect Chronic Wasting Disease

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is an always-fatal neurological disease affecting cervids such as white tailed deer. In recent years, CWD has been found in both the wild and captive deer herd in the Northwoods.

Verified wolf threat in Arbor Vitae

Early Monday morning Nick Krueger was awakened by his hunting dogs barking outside.

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How do nitrates effect public health?

Citizen science program Nitrate Watch raises awareness

A recent Nitrate Watch webinar from the Izaak Walton League of America featured David Cwiertny from the Center for Health Effects of Environmental Contamination. Cwiertny spoke about public health effects of nitrates. While many believe one of the only issues is “blue baby” syndrome, but there are other issues as well.

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announces national recovery plan for gray wolves

Triggers two-year delay in state management

Over the last two decades, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has repeatedly indicated the gray wolf is no longer in need of protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

Fish Like a GIRL

Developing the next ten-year county land and water management plan for Vilas County

I was asked by the Vilas County Land and Water Conservation Department to be on their local advisory committee to give input on the next 10-year land and water management plan for the county.

Wolf population bill sent to governor

The management of any wildlife species often becomes a point of contention for one group or another, but the management of wolves in the state is arguably the most contentious.

Bill requiring wolf population number heads to Governor Evers’ desk

The management of any wildlife species is a point of contention for one group or another, but the management of wolves in the state is arguably the most contentious.

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Natural Resources Board approves bear quota for 2024

Wisconsin Conservation Congress recommends higher quota in Zones A and B

As is customary every year, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) came to the Natural Resources Board (NRB) for approval of the black bear harvest quotas for the fall hunting season. Wildlife bureau director Eric Lobner spoke to the board and first gave a review of the 2023 season.

Spring hearings offer in-person option for 2024

Citizen resolutions are one way to have stakeholder voices effect change

Each year the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Wisconsin Conservation Congress (WCC) hold what are known as the Spring Hearings. In these hearings, stakeholders are asked to weigh in on a number of natural resource related proposals. The meetings are held on the second Monday in April in each county.

Proposed bills would impact natural resources, hunters and other sportsmen

Several pieces of proposed legislation in the current session have bearing on those in the outdoor sporting community. Here is a brief look at several of those bills.

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Mike Engleson talks riparian rights at Winter Water Talk

The Citizen Lake Monitoring Network and the Water Action Volunteers partner in a series of webinars entitled Winter Water Talks. The most recent edition featured Mike Engleson, executive director of Wisconsin Lakes, who spoke about riparian water rights.

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Fish Like a GIRL

Groundhog Day and the season that was not — so far

Groundhog Day! It always reminds me of the movie with Bill Murray. Lately the weather has been reminiscent of that as well. Still too warm.

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EPA taking a closer look at impacts of pesticide approvals on threatened and endangered species

Works to integrate ESA

Last week Brian Anderson, associate director of the Environmental Fate and Effects Division Office of Pesticide Programs from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), spoke at a North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA) presentation regarding pesticide use and considerations for endangered or threatened species.

World Championship Musky Classic draws to a close after nearly five decades

In 1977, North Lakeland Elementary School administrator Bill Sherer spoke with community education director Ken Reinicke about the potential for the school to support the economy in the area in some way.

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Legislators seek to suspend doe hunt in Northern Forest Zone

A preliminary draft bill was introduced this month that would change deer hunting in the Northern Forest Zone. Last month, Representatives Rob Swearingen (R-Rhinelander) and Calvin Callahan (R-Tomahawk) partnered with Senator Mary Felzkowski (R-Tomahawk) to put together a deer hunt listening session in Woodruff.

Fish Like a GIRL

Who wins at the bird feeder?

“Hey! Why can’t you just be nice?” It is usually a comment more than a question, and I cannot be the only bird watcher that has ever asked the question to a “bully” bird outside the window.

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Lawmakers want to suspend doe hunt in Northern Forest Zone

A preliminary draft bill has been introduced that would change deer hunting in the Northern Forest Zone. Last month, state representatives Rob Swearingen (R-Rhinelander) and Calvin Callahan (R-Tomahawk) partnered with state Sen. Mary Felzkowski (R-Tomahawk) to organize a deer hunt listening session in Woodruff.

Free fishing weekend is this weekend

Each year the Department of Natural Resources holds two Free Fishing Weekends. One is in June and the other, right now, is in January.

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Session takes a dive into aerial insectivores

Population declines could be linked to specific, larger insects

At last year’s Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Conference, Bill Mueller, director emeritus for the Western Great Lakes Bird and Bat Observatory spoke about aerial insectivores, or species who capture their insect prey in mid flight. Unlike species like robins, swallows, whippoorwills, night hawks and chimney swifts, all capture their prey in mid air, even though they are not closely related or, in some instances, related at all. However, they do have that one thing in common, he said.

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2024 Wetland Science Conference now open for registration

The 2024 Wetland Science Conference will be held in Green Bay at the Radisson Hotel and Conference Center again this year on February 20-23, 2024.

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Now is a good time to find, make a plan to destroy emerald ash borer

According to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) was first found in southeast Michigan in 2002. In 2008, EAB was detected in Ozaukee and Washington counties in Wisconsin.

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Fish Like a GIRL

Ding! Round two of gardening underway

This will be my second year gardening at our new home. Year two or, as I call it, round two, should prove to be somewhat more productive and organized.

Chew on This!

Slow cooker sweet N sour pork

With snow and cold finally making their way to the Northwoods, winter enthusiasts will be out enjoying their favorite pursuits, whether that is snow shoeing, ice fishing, fat tire biking or (hopefully soon) snowmobiling, it is always great to come in from a day outdoors to a piping hot meal ready to enjoy.

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Getting to know Wisconsin’s semi-aquatic fur bearers, part II

As part of the Water Action Volunteers (WAV) program citizen science opportunity, to keep volunteers engaged and interested over the winter months, the program puts out what are called Winter Water Talks.

Crappies through the ice make for a fun day and an even better dinner

Crappies are arguably some of the best fish to eat when caught out of cold water in the winter. Shore lunches and snowball fights make crappie fishing a day of fun for the whole family. But how do anglers find crappies through the ice?

Fish Like a GIRL

What the heck is a CDAC?

In the decade that I have been an outdoor writer, I have talked quite a bit about County Deer Advisory Councils, or CDACs. Because I attend those meetings in Oneida and Vilas County every year, I feel as though “most” people know about CDACs, what they are, who makes up those councils, and what they are charged with doing where the state’s deer populations are involved. I suppose it can be said by anyone about any topic about which they are passionate.

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Getting to know Wisconsin’s aquatic furbearers - Part one: Beavers, more than just a wide, flat tail

The Water Action Volunteers (WAV) program is a citizen science opportunity where volunteers monitor streams throughout the state collecting data on things such as flow velocity, dissolved oxygen, water transparency, invasive species and biotic indexes.

Balancing salt use with care for water, trees and food webs

The reality of winter in the Northwoods is that salting roadways, parking lots and sidewalks is a necessity. In order to keep people safe driving on the roads and walking on impervious surfaces, we spread salt and spray salt brine.

First Day Hikes highlight recreational opportunities at all times of the year

While snowmobilers and skiers may be lamenting the lack of snow, hiking opportunities are still abound in the Northwoods. While it is not quite summer hiking season and not yet winter hiking season, it is still a great time to get out and hit the trails.

Fish Like a GIRL

New year, new generation - same goal

I have had many discussions lately about how to best get kids, the next generation, into outdoor pursuits.

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Sportsmen’s Alliance talks wolf management, lawsuits and hunting rights on Sporting Journal Radio

Recently Dan Amundson of Sporting Journal Radio interviewed Brian Lynn, the vice president of marketing and communications for The Sportsmen’s Alliance regarding the currently standing of wolves, not only in the Great Lakes Region, but elsewhere in the country.

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Mink frog calling survey is the newest addition to the Wisconsin Frog and Toad Survey

Researchers still looking for answers to calling trigger question

The Wisconsin Frog and Toad Survey is the longest running citizen science project of its kind, starting in 1984, meaning it is headed into its 40th year in 2024.

Fish Like a GIRL

A look back at 2023

Is it just me, or do the years seem to go faster the older we get? I always say the days go slow and the years go fast. But it seems as though they get faster.

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Legislators, NRB, DNR attend listening session centered around deer herd in the Northwoods

Stakeholders ask for change, local control of wolf population

After what many called an abysmal deer hunting season in the north, with harvest numbers down as much as 30%, State Senator Mary Felzkowski (R-Tomahawk), Representative Rob Swearingen (R-Rhinelander) and Representative Calvin Callahan (R-Tomahawk) hosted a listening session regarding the deer herd in the Northwoods.

Oneida County Forestry, Recreation and Land Committee approves five year outdoor recreation plan

Every five years the county must update their Outdoor Recreation Plan in order to stay eligible for some state and federal grants they may wish to utilize in completing.

Oneida County Land and Water Conservation Committee forwards on enhanced wake resolution, letters to legislators

At this month’s Oneida County land and water conservation committee meeting, county conservationist Michele Sadauskas brought forth two letter of recommendation and a resolution regarding the regulation of wake surfing and wake boarding.

Study looks for correlation between PFOS in sediment and fish

Doug Endicott of the Great Lakes Environmental Center presented his work on PFOS and fish from a contaminated lake in Michigan at this year’s Great Lakes PFAS Summit. PFAS compounds can have different chemical, environmental and toxicological properties, he said.