A groundbreaking was held for the reconstruction of Camp Agawak’s main lodge on Wednesday, Sept. 6, in Minocqua. Those present for the groundbreaking ceremony are, from left; Todd Van Natta, Van Natta Plumbing; Chris Garcia, Camp Agawak; Jacob Fried, Camp Agawak; Mary Stichert-Fried, Camp Agawak; Rob Nikolai, Nikolai Construction; Brad Larson, Nikolai Construction; Nate Block, Comfort Systems. (Photo by Trevor Greene/Lakeland Times)
Stories this photo appears in:
Construction begins to replace Camp Agawak’s new main lodge
The 102-year-old lodge collapsed in April as the result of a rough winter
Camp Agawak owner and director Mary Stichert-Fried welcomed members of the media and community to a groundbreaking event signaling the start of a new chapter for the 102-year-old camp.
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD
250 X 250 AD