Vilas County board to meet Thursday for rare special session

The Vilas County board will meet in special session this Thursday morning to discuss what county board chairman Jerry Burkett described at the April 19 county board meeting as a “crisis situation.”

Burkett elected as new Vilas County board chairman

The Vilas County board on Tuesday unanimously elected supervisor Jerry Burkett as its new chairman. He was the sole nominee.

Vilas public property committee moves ahead with maintenance project bids

The Vilas County public property committee, on April 13, approved several maintenance projects to be forwarded to the finance and budget committee for final approval. These included engineering design for three standby generators, which will be installed at the Boulder Junction garage, the courthouse, and the highway garage and forestry …

Vilas County finance committee gives blessing to creation of criminal justice coordinating council

Vilas County Circuit Court Judge Martha Milanowski, having been freshly elected to a full term, spoke to the county’s finance and budget committee on April 14 about establishing a criminal justice coordinating council (CJCC), a move that would be a major step toward long-term county goals like creating a drug …

Vilas County forestry takes the option of selling Cranberry Island ‘off the table’

The Vilas County forestry, land and recreation committee let it be known at its meeting Tuesday that the county will not sell Cranberry Island Park near the city of Eagle River.
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OVTC hires new office manager, continues building purchase plans

According to Oneida-Vilas transit manager Barb Newman, the March 23 winter storm and the subsequent loss of power throughout much of the region illuminated Northwoods Transit’s need for an office manager — the position she vacated four months ago for her current role.

Vilas County sheriff, clerk of courts get salary increases

The Vilas County board last week approved the salaries for county sheriff and the clerk of courts, both elected positions, for 2023 through 2026.  Joe Fath is currently county sheriff and Beth Soltow the clerk of courts.

Vilas County law enforcement discusses labor situation

Staffing for the Vilas County Sheriff's Office has improved in recent months.  That was the message Patrick Schmidt, chief deputy for the Vilas County Sheriff’s Office, had for the Vilas County board’s law enforcement and emergency management committee during a meeting Monday.

Daniel Overbey: Candidate for Vilas County Judge

Daniel Overbey has been a Vilas County resident for 18 years, since he and his wife Kristine moved to Arbor Vitae, where he claims he has worked “almost exclusively” for the past 10 of those years.

Meg O’Marro: Candidate for Vilas County Judge

With 29 years of experience in well over a dozen areas of the law, Meg O’Marro hopes to claim the second judgeship for the Vilas County Circuit Court on election day. 
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Vilas County board hears jail recovery program presentation

The first hour of the March meeting of the Vilas County board Tuesday was devoted for the most part to a presentation about the Vilas County Jail’s “Readiness and Recovery” program.

Tribe shares Vilas County’s struggles with social service staffing

Vilas County has long dealt with hiring and recruitment shortages in its social services division, and the Lac du Flambeau tribe shares this plight, tribal Family Services Manager Kristin Allen reported at March 15’s county social services board meeting.

Vilas County forestry committee disccusses Cranberry Island issues

Cranberry Island Park has been a hot topic of discussion recently for the Vilas County forestry, recreation and land committee.

Vilas County zoning committee approves staffing requisitions

Staffing requisitions from Vilas County zoning administrator Dawn Schmidt were approved by the county board’s zoning and planning committee at its meeting last week.

One dead in Vilas County snowmobile accident

The operator of a snowmobile died as the result of injuries sustained Sunday afternoon in a snowmobile accident in the town of Washington. 
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